Florida Sea Grant takes an international approach to maintaining fish stocks

Editor’s note: February 12, 2015 — The introduction of lures to Caribbean fishermen is not meant to suggest that the use of bait in the U.S. commercial and offshore sport-fisheries is not sustainable and should be replaced by lures. To the contrary, lures are being tested as a sustainable complement to the use of bait to…

Apalachicola Update: Funding awarded for restoration of oyster bars

Florida Sea Grant is working in partnership with state agencies, the Gulf Coast Workforce Board, local counties and other groups to obtain funding necessary to tackle the primary recommendation of the Oyster Recovery Team’s report: the need for large-scale restoration to achieve recovery of the Apalachicola Bay oyster industry. The first proposed project, led by…

Freezing Sea Oats

Deep-freezing sea oats seeds and sheets may create business opportunities for commercial growers when dunes need restoring Sea oats are much more than decorative beach foliage. The wispy grass creates a natural barrier between land and water by trapping wind-blown sand, providing stability in beach dunes. A Florida Sea Grant researcher is developing novel techniques…