advisory councilThe Florida Sea Grant Advisory Council is comprised of leaders from the private sector, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and state and federal agencies who are actively engaged in issues related to the sustainable management of Florida’s coastal and marine economies and natural resources.

They serve a term of four years, concurrent with the timeline of the four-year strategic plan, and they generously provide their time, knowledge, experiences and ideas to help Florida Sea Grant maintain excellence and relevance in its research, extension and education at state, regional and national levels. We sincerely thank the council members for their willingness to help the program.

Advisory Council Membership 2018

Every Florida Sea Grant extension agent also has an advisory committee comprised of local and regional citizens who advise them on their extension and education programs.

Shared Vision, Shared Values


Florida Trend Report: Shared Vision, Shared Values

Time is a valuable commodity. What leads busy professionals with hectic schedules and pressing demands to invest their time serving on the Florida Sea Grant Advisory Council?

When leaders from the private sector, non-governmental organizations, local governments and state and federal agencies unite for a cause, it must be one with a compelling purpose.

This sponsored report published in the June 2017 edition of Florida Trend  magazine showcases what leads busy professionals with hectic schedules and pressing demands to invest their time serving on the Florida Sea Grant Advisory Council.