7.) Adaptation Action Areas in Satellite Beach. Satellite Beach, Florida, a relatively small town on a barrier island on Florida’s east coast south of Cape Canaveral, has distinguished itself by being the first municipality in the State of Florida to have added “Adaptation Action Areas,” as described in state statute, into its comprehensive plan. This was a challenging process for the town as ardent supporters and vociferous opponents often worked against each other. A member of the town’s Citizen’s Planning Advisory Board (CPAB) provided Florida Sea Grant with a three-page summary of the actions leading up to adoption of the comprehensive plan amendment that includes sea-level rise and Adaptation Action Areas (AAAs). The case study is available here. The difficulty of incorporating sea-level rise and AAAs into the comp plan has not ended the work in Satellite Beach; on-going work at the local level seeks to implement the general guidance and wording incorporated into the local comp plan.
8.) City of Punta Gorda Adaptation Plan (2009), available here: Punta_Gorda_Adaptation_Plan. This detailed and very long document meticulously documents the processes used by the City of Punta Gorda, Florida’s Southwest Regional Planning Council, and the Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program used to assess vulnerability and communicate with stakeholders. The Plan can be useful to see the array of potential impacts from climate change that a local government in Florida may face.After extensively reviewing possible impacts from various levels of storm surge and flooding, the Plan goes on to list specific adaptations possible for the community.
9.) Florida’s Southeast Climate Compact (Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties). The Southeast Climate Compact (Compact) recently released its “Regional Climate Change Action Plan” (available here).The Compact represents a cutting-edge effort on the part of the involved counties to address the large-scale issues of climate change adaptation through regional climate adaptation. The draft document contains Regional Plan Recommendations on: Sustainable Community and Transportation Planning; Water Supply Management and Infrastructure; Energy and Fuel; Natural Systems and Agriculture; and Outreach and Public Policy. Member counties of the Compact have repeatedly emphasized the great value of the Compact in bringing together such a large population that the Compact is able to garner nation-wide attention and compete effectively with states for funding to undertake adaptation actions. In addition, they note involvement in the Compact has kept climate change adaptation at the forefront of local action even as political winds and popular opinion has varied.
10.) Relocation Case Study. Relocation inland and away from coastal storms often comes forward as a suggestion for adapting to sea-level rise. How realistic is it to think that relocation will take place in Florida? We present here a short cases study that examines a part of Longboat Key on Florida’s west coast, just south of Tampa Bay. The case study demonstrates how relocation formed part of how property owners on Longboat Key used to address coastal erosion and some of the changes that altered this pattern. The short 2 and a 1/2-page case study is available here: Longboat Key Case Study.