Northeast Region
Capt. Jim Britton, Salty Tales Fishing Charter, Palm Coast, FL, 386-931-1547, www.saltytalesfishingcharters.com, Instagram @captjimbritton. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Chris Castle, Wide Open Charters and Guide Service, St. Augustine, FL, 904-669-3210, www.wideopencharters.com, Facebook. Certified Jan 2021.
Capt. Bill Duane, Playing Hooky Inshore Fishing, Jacksonville, FL, 904-479-6871, playinghookyinshorefishing.com, Facebook. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Tony Fernandez, Jacksonville, FL. Certified Aug 2021.
Capt. Drew A. Hawkins, Bald Eagle Fishing Charters, LLC., Palm Coast, FL, 407-256-1433, email: baldeaglefishingcharters@gmail.com, www.baldeaglefishingcharters.com, Facebook. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Jacob Hardy, Fishardy Charters, St. Augustine, FL, 904-315-4758, www.fishardy.com, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Fred Laager, Shallow Water Fishing Company, St. Augustine, 904-429-6558, www.shallowwaterfishingcompany.com, Facebook. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Al Morris, First Coast Fishing Charters LLC, St. Augustine, FL, 904 655-7035, www.firstcoastfishingcharters.com, Facebook, Instagram @captain_al_morris. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Frank Timmons, Jr., Off the Grid Fishing Charters, St. Augustine, FL, 904-669-1475, Facebook. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Christopher Barr, Green Cove Springs, FL 904-667-8858. Certified June 2022
Indian River Lagoon Region
John R. Caldwell, Adventure Culture Education Inc., New Smyrna Beach, FL, 502-532-1685. Certified Oct 2020.*
Capt. Michael Bundy, Angler Management Fishing Charters and Aquatic Adventures LLC., Port Canaveral and Ponce Inlet, FL, 407-399-5605, AMFishingCharters@aol.com, Facebook. Certified Jun 2020.
Capt Jeff Kraynik, The Coastal Sportsmen, Sebastian Inlet, FL, 321-863-9182, www.coastalsportsmen.com, Facebook. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Drew Mixon, Grass Flats Mafia, 772-453-3989, Vero Beach, FL, grassflatsmafia.com, Instagram: @grassflatsmafia, Facebook. Certified Apr 2021.*
Capt. Corey Simmons, On The Hook Charters, Daytona Beach, FL, 386-631-8030, www.OnTheHookCharters.com, Instagram @onthehookcharters, Facebook. Certified Jan 2020.
Bruce Skerbetz, shore-based charters in Sebastian Inlet, FL, 732-762-1693. Certified Aug 2020.*
Capt. Mark Wood, MWoutdoors Charters, Melbourne Beach, FL, 321-394-1001. Certified May 2020.
Capt. Will Wolfson, Grassroots Guide Service, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 407-620-5263, www.GrassrootsGuideService.com. Instagram @capt.wolfy. Certified October 2021.
Panhandle Region
Patricia Lawson, Off the Beatn Path Kayak Charters, Milton FL, 850-281-3445 patriciahryniewicki@gmail.com Certified Mar 2022*
John Bottcher, 850-728-6097, Monticello, FL. Certified Jan 2021.*
Capt. Cody Clauson, 30A Inshore Charters, Santa Rosa Beach, FL, 850-699-0014, 30ainshorecharters.com, Facebook, Instagram @30ainshorecharters. Certified Mar 2021.
Capt. John Edgar, Edgar Environmental, Inc, Pensacola, FL, 832-784-3038, www.thereefcommander.com, Facebook, Instagram @reefcommander. Certified June 2021.
Capt. Lance Moss, Strike Hunter Adventures, Niceville, FL, 850-353-3997, www.strikehunter.com, Instagram @destinstrikehunter. Certified Mar 2021.
Capt. Hunter Ray, Florida Boy Adventures, Santa Rosa Beach, FL, 850-499-4473, floridaboyadventures.com, Instagram @floridaboyadv, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Chester Reese, Natural World Charters, LLC, Carrabelle, FL, 850-228-9060, naturalworldcharters.com. Certified Jan 2021.
Capt. Larry Shults, Twisted Palms Salty Adventures, 606-416-2716, Pensacola, FL, twplmsaltyadventures@yahoo.com, twistedpalmssaltyadventures.com, Instagram @twistedpalmssaltyadventures, Google, Yelp, Facebook, Fishing Booker. Certified May 2021.
Michael Smith, Smitty’s Surf Fishing, Navarre, FL, 850-529-5405, www.smittyssurffishing.com, Instagram @smittys_surf_fishing, Facebook. Certified June 2021.*
Capt. Tim Wilder, Bali Hai Charters, Port St. Joe, FL, 850-227-5802, balihaicharters.com, Instagram @balihaicharters, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Mark Robinson, Fort Walton Beach, FL , 937-631-6825 markymarko7@yahoo.com Certified May 2022*
Big Bend Region
Jeff Blanton, Bienville Plantation, White Springs, FL, 229-292-4587. Certified Aug 2020.*
Bob Cut, Bob’s Boats, St. Marks. FL, 850-925-1166. Certified Sept 2020.*
Capt. Katie Jo Davis, KD Outdoors Fishing Charters, Yankeetown, FL, 772-882-8932, www.fishcrystalriverflorida.com, Instagram: @capt_redfishprincess, Facebook. Certified Jun 2021.
Capt. Bryan Frechette, Fish Hunter Tours, Crystal River, FL, 352-697-2874, www.fishhuntertours.com, Instagram @fish_hunter_tours, Facebook. Certified Oct 2019.
Capt. Andrew Hammond, Big Bite Charters, Homosassa, FL, 404-803-8608, www.BigBiteCharters.com, Instagram @Capt.Andrew_Hammond, Facebook. Certified Mar 2021.
Capt. Dave Huston, Huston Outdoor Adventures, Crystal River, FL, 352-427-4814, www.hustonsoutdooradventure.com, Instagram @captaindavehuston, Facebook. Certified Aug 2021.
Capt. Paul Kolacia, PT Airboat Adventures, Homosassa, FL, 352-262-4490 www.ptairboatadventures.com, Instagram @ptairboat, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. David Maki, Finntastick Charters, Homosassa, FL, 352-601-1525, www.finntastick.com, Finntastickcharters@gmail.com, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Kyle Messier, Reel Florida Fishing Adventures, Crystal River, FL, 352-634-4002, www.crystalriverfishing.com, www.crystalriver-flyfishing.com, Instagram @captkylemessier, Facebook, Facebook 2. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Michael Neu, Salt Marsh Charters, High Springs, FL, 615-971-9536, Instagram @capt_skippy. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Kyle Skipper, Marker One Flats Charters, Steinhatchee, FL, 352-317-1654, www.m1fishing.com, Instagram @marker1fishing, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Kate Spratt, Captain Kate Spratt Charters, Homosassa, FL, 352-400-9747, Facebook. Certified Apr 2020.
Brian Stauffer, Fishhead Kayak Charters, Brooksville, FL, 352-442-4311, www.fishheadkayakcharters.com, Instagram @fishheads4. Certified Sept 2019.*
Capt. Houston Thomas, SaltLick Outfitters LLC., Steinhatchee, FL, 813-375-1033, www.teamsaltlick.com, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Denny Voyles, Voyles Guide Service, Cedar Key, FL, 352-339-2034, voylesguideservice.com, Trip Advisor. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Nick Warrington, High Octane Fishing, Crystal River, FL, 352-212-5070, https://highoctanefishing.com, Facebook. Certified Nov 2019.
Capt. Brent Woodard, Reel Native Fishing Charters, Horseshoe Beach, FL, 352-284-5514, Reelnativefishing.com, Instagram @reel_native_fishing, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Henry “Buz” Bireline, Kingfisher Kayak Adventures, Gainesville, FL, 352-448-8101, kingfisherkayakadventures.com Certified Dec 2021.
Capt. Memphis Zachry, Fish Crystal River, LLC, Crystal River, FL, 352-212-8327, www.fishcrystalriver.com Certified Oct 2021. Facebook
Capt. Chris Williamson, Williamson Outfitters LLC, Apalachicola, FL, 850-251-8650, www.floridaducks.com, Instagram @capt_chris_williamson. Certified April 2022
West Central Region
Capt. Christopher Barton, Reel Diversion Charters, Bradenton, FL, 941-405-9689 www.reeldiversioncharters.com, Instagram @reeldiversioncharters, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Josh Bibler, Captain Bibbs Fishing Charters, Palmetto, FL, 941-840-1008, www.captainbibbs.com, Instagram @fishin_bibbs, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Brandon Csaszar, Anclote Charters, Tarpon Springs, FL, 727-741-3394, www.anclotecharters.com, Instagram @anclotecharters, Facebook, TikTok @anclotecharters. Certified May 2021.
John Cento, Nature Tours USA, Clermont, FL, 352-432-2140, www.naturetoursusa.com. Certified Dec 2020.*
Capt. Jeremy Frioud, Frioud Family Charters, Clearwater, FL, 727-492-7362, frioudfamilycharters.com. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Jim Galbraith, Florida Memories, St. Petersburg, FL, 813-499-4608, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.
Buddy Harrison, EcoTrek Family Fishing and Kayak Tours, Tampa, FL, 813-928-3806. Certified Oct 2020.*
Capt. Charlie Howell, Ebb & Flow Charters, Tampa, FL, 813-598-1191, www.ebbandflowcharters.com, Instagram @ebbandflowcharters, Facebook. Certified Jun 2020.
Arthur “AJ” Jackson, AJ’s Bass Guides, Orlando, FL, 407-288-9670, www.orlandobass.com, Instagram: @orlandobass1, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.*
Capt. Steve Johnson, Flats Snookin Inshore Charters LLC, Port Richey, FL, 727-207-6067, www.flatssnookin.com, Facebook, Instagram @johnsons_at_the_dock. Certified Mar 2021.
Capt. Scott Moore, Moore Fishing, Anna Maria, FL, 941-713-1921, captscottkm@aol.com, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Kevin Murphy, Cowboys Trophy Charters, Largo, FL, 513-507-3726, ktmurphy255@gmail.com, Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Parker Pope, International Sailors, Tampa, FL, 813-382-2216, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Douglas C. Ricciardi, Tearin’ Em Up! Fishing Charters & Nature Tours, Sarasota, FL, 941-587-6150, www.FishingSRQ.com, www.FishingSarasotaFlorida.com, www.TearinEmUpCharters.com, www.SiestaKeySeaTurtle.com. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Zac Tapp, Niche Fishing Charters, LLC., Bradenton, FL, 561-308-1398, Nichefishingcharters.com. Certified Aug 2020.
Joseph Urbino, Reel Honor Fishing, shore-based charters out of Hudson, FL. Certified Aug 2021.*
Capt. Michael B. Yonker, Florida Sailing and Powerboat School and Charters, Sarasota, FL, 941-500-2485, www.floridasailingandpowerboating.com, Facebook. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Brian Riley, Anclote Adventures, Tarpon Springs, FL, 813-629-2308, brian@ancloteadventures.com, ancloteadventures.com, Instagram @ancloteadventures, Facebook Certified June 2022.
Southwest Region
Capt. Bo Bartholomew, In the Loop Fishing Charters, Pineland, FL, 239-357-5104, Fishing Booker. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Christian Hunter Brown, Hunter Brown Charters, Boca Grande, FL, 941-735-1820, https://www.hunterbrowncharters.com, Facebook. Certified Sept 2019.
Corey W. Campbell, Florida National Parks Association (Big Cypress Institute), Ochopee, FL, 239-719-2483, www.bigcypressinstitute.org/, Instagram @bigcypressi, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.*
Capt. Rich Damianos, Reel Rich Fishing, Punta Gorda, FL, 607-327-0221, www.ReelRichFishing.com, Facebook. Certified Oct 2019.
Capt. John Dant, Get Some Charters, Everglades City/Naples, FL, 239-331-0209, www.getsomefishingcharters.com, Facebook. Certified Apr 2020.
Capt. Larry DeHays, DeHays Charters (non-fishing eco-tours), Sanibel, FL, 239-691-7623. Certified Oct 2020.*
Capt. Becca deRosa, Kids’ Needs of Greater Englewood, Englewood, FL, 315-256-6613, bcderosa63@gmail.com. Certified Oct 2020.
Capt. Kenny DiBiase, Florida Freedom Charters, Sanibel, FL, 239-476-2904. Certified Oct 2020.
Capt. Daniel T. Edwards, AmVetCharters, Punta Gorda, FL, 941-268-0810, Facebook. Certified Nov 2020.
Capt. Van Hubbard, Family Fun Fishing, Englewood, FL, 941-468-4017, www.captvan.com, Facebook. Certified Jul 2020.
Capt. Jeff Jarr, Punta Gorda, FL. Certified Sep 2021.
Capt. Joe McNichols, Show and Tell Charters, Everglades City, FL, 239-821-3305, www.icdfish.com. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Chris Newberry, Outcast Charter Company, Ponce de Leon/Punta Gorda Isles, FL, 941-628-0359, www.outcastchartercompany.com, Facebook. Certified Nov 2019.
Capt. Barry Nicholls, Capt. Barry Cuda Charters, Naples, FL, 239-860-7227, www.captbarrycudacharters.com, Facebook. Certified Nov 2020.
Capt. Harold Roebuck III, Go on the Water Charters, Venice, FL, 1-863-381-6734, goonthewater.com, Facebook. Certified Mar 2021.
Capt. Bill Schwalm, Better Days Charter Service, St. James City, FL, 239-887-1494, www.BetterDaysCharterService.com. Certified Sep 2020.
Capt. William Schwartzmiller, Port of the Islands Charters, Naples, FL, 239-642-8818. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Don Taylor, Back Bay Charters, Punta Rassa, FL, 239-850-9569. Certified Oct 2020.
Capt. Scott Wilhelm, Bokeelia, FL, 941-979-0110. Certified Apr 2021.
Capt. Bobby Woodard, Fly ‘Em High Charters, Boca Grande, FL, 863-224-1418, www.captain-bobby.com, Facebook. Certified Feb 2022.
Capt. Joe Savoca, Estero Bay Adventures, Fort Myers FL, 215-534-0275 http://www.esterobayadventures.com/, Facebook. Certified April 2022
South Region
Capt. Brian Branigan, Keys Boat Tours, Big Pine Key, FL, 306-699-7166, keysboattours.com, Facebook. Certified Aug 2020.
Capt. Diego Cordova, Flat Out Sportfishing, Marathon, FL, 305-395-1228, www.floridakeysflats.com, Instagram @flatoutsportfishing or @captdiegocordova, Facebook. Certified Feb 2020.
Capt. Bob Dorchak, Medicine Man Fishing Charters of the Lower Keys, Summerland Key, FL, 305-900-7488, www.medicinemanfishing.com. Certified Jun 2020.
Capt. Charlie Filpes, Key Largo Adventures, Islamorada, FL, 305-975-4885, KeyLargoAdventures.com, Instagram @KeyLargoAdventures, Facebook. Certified Apr 2020.
Capt. Steve Friedman, A Fishing Guide LLC, Islamorada, FL, 305-393-3474, www.afishingguide.com, Instagram @captstevefriedman. Certified Oct 2020.
Capt. Chris Gowens, Koko Charters, Key West, FL, 305-992-8517, kokocharters.com, Instagram @Koko_keywest. Certified Nov 2020.
Jim Harmon, School of Fish, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 561-376-0574, Instagram @TheBassStalker. Certified Sept 2020.*
Capt. Dax Hallock, Coast2Coast Charters LLC, 786-760-1006. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Willie Howard, Capt. Willie’s Charters, Riviera Beach, FL, 561-307-3047, www.captwillie.com, Instagram @capt.williehoward, Facebook. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. Clyde Morgan Jewett, Flats Angler, LLC. d/b/a Florida Backcountry Fishing, Islamorada, FL, 305-790-5526, www.floridabackcountryfishing.com, Instagram @floridabackcountryfishing. Certified Jul 2020.
Capt. Kyle Kelso, All Water Charters, Key West, FL, 305-509-2201, https://fishingtripkeywest.com/, Instagram @allwatercharters, Facebook. Certified Jun 2020.
Capt. Ron Lawson, River Keys Fishing, Cudjoe Key, FL, 717-571-0179. Certified Mar 2020.
Capt. John M. Miller, Calypso Charters, Ramrod Key, FL, 305-735-4951, www.calypsochartersfl.com, Instagram @calypsochartersflorida, Facebook. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Rich Mitchell, Phase One Backcountry Charters, Islamorada, FL, 305-393-0729. Certified Sept 2020.
Capt. Bill Taylor, Black Dog Fishing Charters, Jupiter, FL, 561-744-5700, https://www.blackdogfishing.com/, Instagram @blackdogfishing, Facebook. Certified Jan 2020.
Johann Barata, 786-715-6282. Certified Oct 2021.*
Capt. Christopher Lenahan, Oracle Expeditions Fly Fishing And Light Tackle Charters, Riviera Beach FL, 561-444-6970 oracleexpeditions@gmail.com, https://www.oracleexpeditions.com, Instagram @oracleexpeditions, Facebook Certified April 2022
Guides listed here have completed an educational course and pledged that they were clear of resource-related fish and wildlife violations for 3 or more years prior to their certification date. They were also checked for appropriate state licensing at the time of certification. Guides who operate fishing charters from motorized vessels in saltwater are required to have both a valid Merchant Mariner credential from the US Coast Guard as well as hold state fishing charter license(s) issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Guides who operate in federal waters might be subject to additional licensing (UF/IFAS does not have the ability to verify federal licensing). If you are ever curious about a guide’s credentials, never be shy about asking.
*Guides who operate fishing trips solely from kayaks, shore, or only on inland freshwater bodies are not required to carry state fishing charter licensing. Similarly, guides who charter tours from motorized vessels that do not involve fishing must hold a Merchant Mariner credential from the US Coast Guard (earning them the title “Capt.”) and operate a vessel that is registered commercially, but are not required to carry a state fishing charter license. Charter vessels carrying more than 12 passengers must undergo inspection by the US Coast Guard. If you are ever curious about a guide’s credentials, never be shy about asking.