Every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. EST from September 15 through December 10 (except for the week of Thanksgiving), Florida Sea Grant will provide live, online classes on coastal topics. “Bite-sized Science” is a free, 30-minute class conducted by Florida Sea Grant agents or specialists. Tuesday webinars will be in Spanish, and have been rebranded as “Bocados de Ciencia”.
Additionally, on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. EST, Florida Sea Grant will continue its popular “Seafood at Your Fingertips: LIVE” seafood cooking demonstration series. Agents and partners share favorite seafood recipes, show how they are made, and answer questions via chat.
“These programs have been really popular,” says Sherry Larkin, Florida Sea Grant director. “We are excited to build on season one and to be able to provide some of the webinars in Spanish.”
Bite-sized Science classes are geared toward a middle school to adult audience, and people will need to register for each webinar that they would like to participate in. Presentations will be recorded, and registrants will be sent a link to view the recordings. A full listing of the webinars can be found here: http://bit.ly/bite-sizedscience.
Seafood at Your Fingertips LIVE is shown on the Florida Sea Grant Facebook page, www.facebook.com/floridaseagrant. Previous cooking demonstrations and a wealth of seafood resources can be found at archive.flseagrant.org/seafood/seafoodatyourfingertips/.