Publications of interest:
- Alston, D. et al. 2005. Environmental and Social Impact of Sustainable Offshore Cage Culture Production in Puerto Rican Waters. — NOAA Final Report. 208 pp
- Alston, D. et al. 2005. Environmental and Social Impact of Sustainable Offshore Cage Culture Production in Puerto Rican Waters. — NOAA Final Report. 208 pp
- California Sea Grant. 2015. Offshore Aquaculture in the Southern California Bight — Workshop Number 1. 32 pp.
- California Sea Grant. 2016. Offshore Aquaculture in the Southern California Bight — Workshop Number 2. 32 pp.
- Grizzle, R. et al. 2014. Long-term Seafloor Monitoring at an Open Ocean Aquaculture Site in the Western Gulf of Maine, USA: Development of an Adaptive Protocol. — Marine Pollution Bulletin. 9 pp.
- Huffman, J. 2019. Wild fish harvesters rally to fight US aquaculture push in new Congress. — Undercurrent News. 6 pp.
- Lester, S.E. et al. 2018. Offshore aquaculture in the United States: Untapped potential in need of smart policy. — Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. 115:7162 – 7165.
- Lorenzen, K., M. Beveridge, and M. Mandel. 2012. Cultured fish: integrative biology and management of domestication and interactions with wild fish. — Biological Reviews 87:639 – 660.
- National Aquaculture Association. 2018. Achieving Sustainable Sea Farming. — 7 pp.
- National Aquaculture Association. 2018. Rebutting Marine Aquaculture Myths and Unfounded Criticisms. — 13 pp.
- National Aquaculture Association. 2018. Rebutting Marine Aquaculture Myths and Unfounded Criticisms. — 13 pp.
- National Aquaculture Association. 2018. The Value and Benefits of a Lease to Secure Farms and Advance Offshore Aquaculture In the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. — 2 pp.
- National Aquaculture Association. 2018. The Value and Benefits of a Lease to Secure Farms and Advance Offshore Aquaculture In the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. — 2 pp.
- Price, C.S. and J. Beck-Stimpert (editors). 2014. Best Management Practices for Marine Cage Culture Operations in the U.S. Caribbean. — GCFI Special Publication Series Number 4. 52 pp.
- Price, C.S. and J. Beck-Stimpert (editors). 2014. Best Management Practices for Marine Cage Culture Operations in the U.S. Caribbean. — GCFI Special Publication Series Number 4. 52 pp.
- Price, C.S. and J.A. Morris, Jr. 2013. Marine Cage Culture and the Environment: Twenty-first Century Science Informing a Sustainable Industry. — NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS-NCCOS 164. 158 pp.
- Price, C.S. and J.A. Morris, Jr. 2013. Marine Cage Culture and the Environment: Twenty-first Century Science Informing a Sustainable Industry. — NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS-NCCOS 164. 158 pp.
- Rubino, M. (editor). 2008. Offshore Aquaculture in the United States: Economic Considerations, Implications & Opportunities. — U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Spring, MD; USA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/SPO-103. 263 pages.
- Rubino, M. (editor). 2008. Offshore Aquaculture in the United States: Economic Considerations, Implications & Opportunities. — U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Spring, MD; USA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/SPO-103. 263 pages.
- Sprinkle, T. 2018. Land-use efficiency study puts aquaculture on a pedestal. — Global Aquaculture Alliance. 6 pp.
- Thomas, L. et al. 2019. The ecological and economic potential for offshore mariculture in the Caribbean. — Nature Sustainability 2:62 – 69.
- Welch, A.W. et al. 2019. The nutrient footprint of a submerged-cage offshore aquaculture facility located in the tropical Caribbean. — Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 18 pp.