List of FSG Actions supported by core funding for each sub-project

Computer users: Hover your mouse over each FSF Action to display examples of outcomes. 

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A – Monitoring and Enhancing Coastal Resources.

• Monitor water quality and ocean habitats.• Continue supporting monitoring programs such as “Florida Water Watch” or “Eyes on Seagrass”.
• Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease.

• Control invasive species.• Promote citizen involvement in control efforts.
• Provide training on ways to prevent invasive species introductions and how to safely remove them from the environment (e.g., beach vitex and lionfish).

• Implement coastal cleanups.• Promote citizen involvement in marine debris and coastal cleanups.
• Test new technologies and tools for mitigating marine debris and pollution.


B – Creating Resilient Communities.

• Construct and train on living shorelines.• Create and use living shorelines demonstration areas to show clientele the different options available to homeowners and contractors.
• Provide clientele hands-on experience by inviting them to participate in the installation of these demonstration areas.
• Continue developing virtual living shorelines course for contractors.

• Educate homeowners and communities on sustainable alternatives and the coastal environment in general.• Provide instruction for the restoration modules of the statewide Florida Master Naturalist Program.

• Motivate coastal planning and community adaptation.• Continue with the FSG Coastal Planning Program.
• Build a cache of resources for local governments that incorporates both original research and links to resources from other organizations and researchers.

• Support the Clean Marina Program.• Help to promote the Clean Marinas Program.
• Engaging with local groups to monitor the SeaBins program.

C – Sustaining Marine Fisheries.

• Conduct fisheries-focused workshops and programs. • Fishing regulation workshops.
• Support the state artificial reefs program.
• Florida Friendly Fishing Guide Program.
• Sustainable recreational fishing information.
• Return ‘Em right program.

• Motivate consumer support in sustainable seafood.• Continue promoting Florida seafood through programs such as “Seafood at your Fingertips” or “Fish Fillet Fridays”.

• Support workforce development through seafood HACCP training and materials.• Conduct HACCP trainings.
• Update HACCP training manuals.

• Develop decision and information tools for recreational and commercial fisheries.• Online financial decision-making tools for commercial fishers.

D – Supporting Aquaculture Industries.

• Promote understanding and acceptability of aquaculture production technologies.• Provide support for the sustainable development and expansion of offshore aquaculture in federal waters off the Gulf of Mexico through technology transfer and outreach.

• Educate students, households and industry (e.g., chefs) on aquaculture.• Support student training in the aquaculture industry through the Helping Aquaculture Reap Value and Extend Student Training (HARVEST) program.
• Clear and effective messaging about aquaculture production.

• Develop economic and investment analysis tools.• Develop aquaculture investment analysis tools allowing current and potential producers to estimate the costs and profitability of different production systems and practices using their own assumptions about system design and operating parameters.


E – Promoting Coastal, Ocean, and Climate Literacy.

• Complete and launch the Florida Friendly Visitor Training program.• Compile and launch the Florida Friendly Visitor Training Program.

• Engage K-12 youth and/or educators with formal curricula and experiential learning.• Continue “bite-sized science” program.
• Facilitation of adoption of a marine debris curriculum and informal clean-up programming for K-12 students and educators.
• Provide opportunities for disadvantaged youth and their mentors to participate in informal marine science activities with marine agents and research affiliates.

• Provide informal education and trainings on a range of topics.• Continue working and developing the “Seagrass Safe Boating Program”, the “Florida Microplastic Awareness Project”, “Climate Smart Floridians”, the “Climate 101 for Instructors, and the “Climate programming for communities”.