Florida Sea Grant and UF/IFAS Extension are hosting a full-day seminar titled, “Economic, Environmental and Social Issues Impacting the Coastal Dune Lakes,” to teach residents about the dune lakes that are vitally important to coastal communities and provide a wide range of ecosystem services.
The seminar will take place Tuesday, October 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Camp Helen State Park, 23937 Panama City Beach Parkway in Panama City Beach. The seminar is is $10 per person, but attendees must also pay a park entrance fee of $4 per vehicle.
Attendees will learn more about the coastal dune lakes that are teaming with life, contribute greatly to our water system, and help support a growing tourism industry. Come explore the history and ecology of the dune lakes as well as learn about current research and protection efforts and what you might do to help preserve them.
An optional kayak tour of Lake Powell, the largest of the coastal dune lakes will be offered at the end of the seminar. The cost of the kayak tour is $25 for a single kayak and $45 for a double kayak.
Bring a refillable coffee mug, water bottle and a sack lunch. Water, coffee, and light snacks will be provided.
For the detailed agenda, and to register, visit the following link: Economic, Environmental and Social Issues Impacting the Coastal Dune Lakes
For additional information contact: Laura Tiu, [email protected], 850-612-6197 or Scott Jackson, [email protected], 850-866-2300.