Thanks to all those that attended the workshop “Sea-Level Rise and Flooding: Planning & Law for Local Government,” which took place on November 16, 2017 at Gaines Park / Mary V. McDonald Wilson Center, 1501 N. Australian Ave., West Palm Beach. Thank you especially to all the presenters and the sponsors that made the workshop possible, including the City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, The Palm Beach County Planning Congress, Chen-Moore & Associates, The American Society of Civil Engineers, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The workshop was designed for local government leaders and staff, attorneys, engineers, planners, and floodplain managers. It focused on practical and legal issues local governments confront in planning for sea-level rise and increased flooding. The day featured scientists, attorneys, consultants, and local government directors/managers (bios for the presenters appear at this link). The full-day workshop included professional credits for planners, floodplain managers, attorneys, and engineers. If you have any problems securing the appropriate credits for your attendance, please contact Thomas Ruppert at [email protected].
A complete agenda with time, location, directions, and speakers appears at this agenda link.
Below, in the order of the agenda, are the presentations from the workshop.
- Sea-level Rise Overview: Dr. Samantha Danchuk, Broward County
- Mapping Future Groundwater Conditions in Broward County: Dr. Jennifer Jurado, Broward County
- Evans_2017_WestPalmBeach: Dr. Jason Evans, Stetson University
- Future Flood Risk and Roads: Responsibility and Responses: Presentation of Thomas Ruppert, Esq., Florida Sea Grant & Presentation of Erin Deady, Esq., Erin L. Deady, LLC
- SLR, Flooding, and Law: Legal Introduction, Presentation by Erin Deady and Presentation by Thomas Ruppert
- Fort Lauderdale’s Seawall Ordinance: Dr. Nancy Gassman, City of Fort Lauderdale
- Local Case Study: Linking Stormwater to Resiliency: Liz Perez, Collective Water