A new scholarship sponsored by Florida Sea Grant and the UF/IFAS Nature Coast Biological Station will offer $10,000 a year to a University of Florida graduate student working on natural resource research in the Nature Coast, the broad stretch of the state’s Gulf Coast from Wakulla County to Hernando County.
The FSG/NCBS Graduate Research Scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding student who conducts applied research in the region, working to solve an issue related to fisheries, aquaculture, community resilience or coastal ecosystems. Eligible students must have matching funds of $10,000 per year from their graduate adviser.
The scholar will work closely with Florida Sea Grant and UF/IFAS Extension staff, and with local community leaders, policymakers and business owners to conduct collaborative research.
The scholarship provides $10,000 of support per year for a total of two years for a master’s student or three years for a Ph.D. student. The student’s faculty adviser must submit an email annually to the biological station affirming that the student continues to be enrolled full-time and making good progress toward a degree to continue receiving funds in years two or three.
One student will hold the scholar position at a time, and selection will be through a competitive process with a review panel comprised of UF research and extension faculty. Academic qualifications and the nature of the student’s research program will be the main focus of evaluation.
The deadline to apply is June 15, 2016.
For more information, visit: https://archive.flseagrant.org/students/scholarships/nature-coast-biological-stationflorida-sea-grant-scholarship/