Florida Sea Grant is now accepting applications for the 2022-23 Guy Harvey Scholarship Award from Florida university students conducting research that will help support the sustainable management of marine fish. Applications are due to Florida Sea Grant by 11:59 p.m. EST, on June 1, 2022.
The competition is open to any undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled full-time at one of Florida’s institutions of higher education, and conducting research on the ecology, management or policy issues related to sustainable marine fisheries, including the protection of their critical habitats.
Up to eight scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded to winners. The funds may be used to support equipment purchases, travel and other expenses incurred in the course of the student’s respective research project.
Established in 2010 through a partnership between Florida Sea Grant and the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, a non-profit organization that conducts scientific research and hosts educational programs aimed at conserving the marine environment, the Guy Harvey Scholarship Award has provided $359,000 in financial support to 74 students at 11 different Florida universities.
“This next generation of bright minds is bringing us one step closer to understanding what it will take to protect Florida’s fragile marine environment and ensure its sustainability,” said Dr. Harvey. “Through our ongoing support of marine research and by drawing attention to the important work of these students, the GHOF is helping to safeguard a healthy ocean ecosystem for generations to come.”
In 2021, eight students were selected from six Florida universities. Their research projects ranged from investigating bonefish habitat to better inform conservation efforts to mercury accumulation in coastal shark species.
“In addition to direct monetary support to help students cover educational and research expenses, this long-standing award helps strengthen students’ resumes and foster the development of their professional networks,” notes Dr. Sherry Larkin, Director of Florida Sea Grant.
A complete application packet consists of the student’s resume, a two-page career statement, a description of their research, a photocopy of their college transcripts and one letter of recommendation. Students conducting research within a broad spectrum of methods needed to effectively understand and sustainably manage marine fish are eligible to apply, however, Florida Sea Grant only accepts applications from students enrolled in a Florida academic institution. Those applicants must file their applications through the eSeaGrant online portal at eflseagrant.ifas.ufl.edu.
Under the leadership of the National Sea Grant College Program, Florida Sea Grant champions diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by recruiting, retaining and preparing a diverse workforce, and proactively engaging and serving the diverse populations of coastal communities. Sea Grant is committed to building inclusive research, extension, communication and education programs that serve people with unique backgrounds, circumstances, needs, perspectives and ways of thinking. We encourage applicants of all ages, races, ethnicities, national origins, gender identities, sexual orientations, disabilities, cultures, religions, citizenship types, marital statuses, education levels, job classifications, veteran status types, income, and socioeconomic status types, to apply for this opportunity.
For more information, contact Florida Sea Grant Student Programs Coordinator Cassandra Sexson at students@flseagrant.org.
A one-page fact sheet is available at https://bit.ly/3LlgkGW.
About Guy Harvey
Since 1986, Guy Harvey has created marine-inspired apparel that blends performance, comfort and durability. Started by marine biologist and artist Dr. Guy Harvey, the brand is committed to making products that contribute to ocean conservation and marine education. Guy Harvey continuously implements innovative, sustainable manufacturing practices. The company uses REPREVE polyester and new THREADCYCLED™ technology (repurposing 100% of textile waste into upcycled yarn), powers its manufacturing facility with solar panels and purifies 100% of the water used in the dying and steaming process. Guy Harvey is focused on making responsible apparel that consumers can feel good about wearing. Additionally, a portion of all proceeds of officially licensed Guy Harvey products goes to the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF), which conducts scientific research and hosts educational programs aimed at conserving the marine environment. To learn more about Guy Harvey apparel, please visit www.guyharvey.com.
About the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation
The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF) conducts scientific research and hosts educational programs aimed at conserving the marine environment. The GHOF also funds affiliated researchers working to better understand our ocean ecosystem and educators helping to foster the next era of marine conservationists. The GHOF will help ensure that future generations can enjoy and benefit from a properly balanced ocean ecosystem. For more information, visit www.ghof.org.