Sea Grant leads call to action on Greater Amberjack, public input needed

Image credit: Greater Amberjack by Diane Peebles By: Lourdes Rodriguez, 954-577-6363 office, 954-242-8439 mobile, A gap of knowledge surrounding the status and future of the Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is the driving force behind a $10 Million project involving the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Florida Sea Grant. The…

shellfish aquaculture

Sea Grant opens aquaculture research funding opportunities of up to $13.5 million

National Sea Grant Office announces three aquaculture opportunities. Three funding opportunities for up to $13.5 million in aquaculture research have been announced by the National Sea Grant College Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The opportunities address distinct aspects of domestic aquaculture and  bear different deadlines for letters of intent. The national office will give…

Florida Sea Grant Seeking Letters of Intent for Applied Coastal and Ocean Research Projects

Florida Sea Grant is now seeking letters of intent for two-year coastal and ocean applied research grants that reflect priorities identified in the current Florida Sea Grant Strategic Plan.