Little work on the social values of ecosystem services in the coastal zone has produced the need to research their existence at a base level and explore how they interact with resource uses of relevance to stakeholders. Pertinent questions include:
- What social values of ecosystem services exist in a coastal and marine context?
- What resource uses are important to consider in coastal and marine environments?
A Delphi methodology is being used to uncover the answers to these questions. Through the establishment of an international panel of experts and an eDelphi survey exercise, a framework of social values of ecosystem services will be created along with the establishment of a comprehensive list of important resources uses in the coastal zone. This research, representing phase 1 of the project, will be used in subsequent project phases along with providing researchers, planners, professionals, and others in the management of coastal resources a common framework from which to base further inquiry into the social values of ecosystem services. Using the Delphi method is meant to provide a balanced perspective of social values and resource uses derived from ecosystem service in coastal and marine contexts; a perspective where social factors are considered equally with the other pillars of ecosystem assessment – economics and environment.
Information about the eDelphi study results…
Throughout the eDelphi process and once phase 1 is complete, relevant results will be listed here (as they become available). For research participants, interim research results are to be provided following each survey round. The research summary reports may be accessed through the following links (as they become available):
- eDelphi Scoping Summary Reports: Overall (154 total responses) and Expert Panel (127 selected)
Synopsis: Of the 154 completed questionnaire responses, 127 individuals were selected to participate as expert panelists based on two selection criteria: 1) 5 or more years of experience; and 2) knowledge level of study variables. (*Two experts were added to the original panel after scoping responses were clarified for a total of 129 expert panelists)
Synopsis: Of the 154 completed questionnaire responses, 127 individuals were selected to participate as expert panelists based on two selection criteria: 1) 5 or more years of experience; and 2) knowledge level of study variables. (*Two experts were added to the original panel after scoping responses were clarified for a total of 129 expert panelists)
- eDelphi Round 1 Summary Report: Expert Panel Responses (58 completed)
- Synopsis: Of the 129 expert panelists (as determined by the scoping round), 58 completed and returned Round 1 questionnaires were received (45% response rate). Round 1 resulted in the identification of thirty-six contemporary coastal management and policy issues along with an initial typology of 19 social values of ecosystem services.
- eDelphi Round 2 Summary Report: Expert Panel Responses (38 completed)
- Synopsis: Of the 58 expert panelists (from Round 1), 38 completed and returned Round 2 questionnaires were received (66% response rate). Round 2 confirmed the a priori list of resource issues for coastal zone managers along with resulting in a number of meaningful comments regarding their relationships to one another. Similarly, the typology of social values from Round 1 was confirmed in terms of relevance in assessing ecosystem services in coastal environments; in addition, many experts comments were made to refine the typology by combining and/or dropping certain values to increase its effectiveness and applicability.
- eDelphi Round 3 Summary Report: Expert Panel Final Summary Report (37 completed)
- Synopsis: Of the 38 expert panelists (from Round 2), 37 completed and returned Round 3 questionnaires were received (97% response rate). Round 3 confirmed a social values of ecosystem services typology consisting of 15 distinct values. In addition, a workable definition of social values of ecosystem services was put forth; a majority of respondents noted that the definition was appropriate while also providing a number of comments on how it could be improved. A new working definition, taking into account expert suggestions, can be found in the final summary report.
Map of the expert panelists’ locations:
View Expert Panel Map in a larger map
Expert Panel Professional Activities key:
Academic = blue
Commercial/Private = green
Public Service (government agency) = red
Public Service (NGO) = yellow
Any combination of above = aqua