Deadline: February 29, 2012
The 2012 From Stem to Stern II organizing committee invites prospective authors to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Selected abstracts will be presented by the author(s) at the conference. Sessions will include a hybrid of invited speakers and selected abstracts.
Abstracts not selected for an oral presentation are invited to present a poster.
Authors should indicate the intended session or sessions (up to 3) of their paper and whether they are submitting for an oral or poster presentation. Posters will have a special session. We are requesting topics for the following sessions during the conference:
This session will focus on various aspects of outreach and education related to boating and waterways. Topics may include:
- Extension and education programs targeting recreational boaters
- Education of boaters related to rules of the road, proper vessel operation, restoration events, Florida endangered species facts, etc.
- Community involvement outreach opportunities and events
This session will focus on various aspects of anchoring and mooring. Topics may include:
- Impacts associated with unmanaged anchorages and live-aboard issues
- Boating and anchoring rights: current laws, anchoring time limits, where things may be going in the near future
- Derelict vessels
- Mooring fields and how they are used to both provide infrastructure for boaters and manage those boaters
This session will continue the focus on anchoring/mooring but will be specific to the FWC Pilot Program. Topics may include:
- How the Pilot Program is designed to address anchoring/mooring impacts
- How the authority to regulate anchoring/mooring activity is provided, specific to the Pilot Program
- Anchoring issues specific to the five Pilot Program participants and how each participant is addressing those issues (the ordinances)
- How boaters and/or boating advocacy groups perceive the Pilot Program and how it may hurt or help boating and anchoring activities of live-aboards and cruising boaters
This session will focus on direct environmental issues that are under the purview of the Department of Environmental Protection. Topics may include:
- Vessel pumpout funding, needs and issues
- Working waterfront BMPs
- NPDES: Clean Water Act update
- State submerged lands: permitting, State land lease agreements, etc.
This session will focus on fishery and wildlife issues that are mostly under the purview of FWC. Topics may include:
- Importance and protection of seagrass beds: updates, current locations and projections
- Preservation of designated shellfish harvesting areas
- Turtles, birds and marine mammals
- Fisheries management: Magnuson-Stevens Act, etc.
This session will focus on various aspects of waterways planning and management. Topics may include:
- Marine Spatial Planning and GIS applications related to waterways use and development
- Infrastructure planning and sea-level rise
- The Regional Waterway Management System (RWMS) study framework and related analyses on balancing access, maintenance and resource protection
- Manatee Protection Plan updates and the siting criteria and features of newly adopted plans, what is and isn’t working
- Waterfront planning initiatives, including concepts in waterfront land-use and zoning, overlay districts, and incentives/concessions for coastal development
- Perspectives on long-term dredge management (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and others)
This session will focus on boating and waterway access. Topics may include:
- Boat ramps: ramp design, innovative technologies, Florida “Clean Boat Ramp” Program, challenges, etc.
- Public and municipal marina development market trends, Clean Marina/Boatyards, working waterfronts, etc.)
- Non-motorized watercraft access: trends, design, etc.
- Federal, state, city, county partnerships, user fees and other funding sources/issues
This session will focus on various aspects of boating safety. Topics may include:
- Social marketing applications for tailoring boating safety messages
- Municipal and county regulation of vessels
- Required boater education and license
- Pros and cons of mandatory life jacket wear
- Safely resolving multi-use conflicts
- Recent regulatory changes/regulatory updates
- Vessel and motor theft
The poster session is planned to encompass a variety of boating and waterways topics, including all of the issues above, and any other boating and waterways topic that may be of interest to Florida’s boating and waterways stakeholders. Poster size should be no larger than 36″ H x 48″ W. Authors need to provide their own easel for mounting their poster.
ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL – Due February 29, 2012
The abstracts are to be submitted to Holly Abeels, Brevard County Extension, ( by February 29, 2012. The From Stem to Stern II abstract committee will review the abstracts, and authors will be informed of their acceptance by March 9, 2012. Preference will be given to abstracts highlighting work from the last five years. If you have questions about the required format please contact Holly Abeels, 321-633-1702 x235 or
1. Abstracts must be submitted in the proper format to be accepted.
2. The following guidelines must be used (please use Microsoft Word):
- Center the title, author(s) and author institution.
- Title and author(s) in bold.
- List author(s) by last name, first initial, with the primary author listed first. Authors are marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different institutions.
- Mark the presenting author with an asterisk.
- Author(s) institution(s) follow author name(s). Institutions are written in separate rows when there is more than one.
- Abstract text is left justified; paragraphs are not indented, only separated by one blank line.
- Maximum length is 300 words.
- Use basic fonts such as Calibri or Times New Roman at a size of 12 points.
- Please indicate at the bottom of the abstract the intended session of your paper.
- Please indicate at the bottom of the abstract whether you would also be willing to present a poster.
Paper Title (maximum two rows if needed) Name 1, …, Name 4 Institution/Company This is the abstract main text. Length of abstract is a maximum of 300 words. Use basic font such as Calibri or Times New Roman at a size of 12 points. Do not tab or indent main text. Paragraphs should be separated by one blank line. Main text should be left justified. |
3. Save your abstract as a Microsoft Word document. The file name should identify the first author and the year (ex. SMITH2012). If submitting multiple abstracts, please identify each abstract with numbers, 1, 2, 3, etc.