Abstract submission is currently closed.
The 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit organizing committee invites prospective authors to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Selected abstracts will be presented by the author(s) at the Summit in Clearwater, FL, January 13-16.
The theme of the 2015 Florida Artificial Reef Summit is Navigating Expectations and Charting Objectives. The purpose of the Florida Artificial Reef Summit is to broaden views of a comprehensive artificial reef program in Florida. During this 2015 Summit we are asking presenters to think about the connectivity of their program with the multi-dimensional aspects associated with artificial reef planning. To accomplish this we are asking for abstracts that address one or more of the elements of an artificial reef program as described in the figure and questions below.
1) What is the natural ecosystem in your project area (e.g. depth, natural bottom, biotic community)? How do artificial reefs interact with the existing ecosystem? (ECOSYSTEM)
2) Who are the stakeholders of artificial reef programs, i.e. those who impact, are impacted by or have technical knowledge of your reef program? Who are the primary users? (REEF CONCEPT and USE AND MANAGEMENT)
3) Why are reefs being built? What are their purposes, what are their aims? (OBJECTIVES and USE AND MANAGEMENT)
4) What led you to the design and construction of your reefs? (REEF DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION)
5) How is monitoring and evaluation designed and conducted to ensure you are meeting your program objectives? (OBJECTIVES and EVALUATION)
6) How are reefs being used? How is reef performance determined? (EVALUATION)
Presentation Details
Presentation space is limited. Authors should indicate whether they will be submitting for an oral or poster presentation and whether they would be willing to be considered for a poster. Oral presentations will be given 15 minutes to present. It is recommended that talks should be 12 minutes with 3 minutes remaining for Question & Answer. Posters will be presented at a special session. Poster size should be 36″ H x 48″ W.
The members of the Florida Artificial Reef Summit Committee will review the abstracts and authors will be informed about acceptance of their abstracts by October 1, 2014. Preference will be given to abstracts highlighting work from the last five (5) years. Please direct questions to Lisa Krimsky, 305-421-4017 or lkrimsky@ufl.edu.
Publication of Conference Proceedings
A printed book of abstracts will be distributed at the summit to all participants. The book of abstracts and list of summit participants and contact information will be archived for future reference on the Florida Artificial Reef Summit website https://archive.flseagrant.org/fisheries/artificialreefs/summit/